What do we have to do to energize the Rudraksha? - menjewell.com

What do we have to do to energize the Rudraksha?
You can perform RudraAbhishekam just as you do it to Shiva Linga and whenever you visit any Holy Shiva Shrines, do touch the rudraksha to the Shiva Linga to energize it.

Place the Rudraksha on your puja altar and dab some sandalwood paste on them. Light up some incense and let your beads soak up the incense fumes. Visualising Lord Shiva’s face, chant the mantra “Om Namaha Shivaya” 108 times and pray for the Lord’s blessings before you wear the Rudraksha.

Rudraksha is a creation of nature which when attached to your body or placed at home worship place/work place should be energized the same before using it for the 1st time to gain maximum benefits and that too quickly.

The energizing procedure before wearing a rudraksha is very simple and its a very basic simple ritual which you may perform on your own. We can energize Rudraksha by following some basic steps. There are no strings attached to the rules. Energizing is a way of putting our good thoughts into the seed you are wearing or the mala (necklace) which ultimately gives better results to the  wearer.

• Choose the day of wearing (an auspicious day). Preferably Monday or Saturday as these days are the days of lord shiva (shankar bhagwan) himself.

• Make a Punchamrit mixture (5 elements) which is mix of unboiled milk, honey(use very less honey), sugar, ghee and curd.

• Place the Rudraksha on a fresh unused plate.

• Wash Rudraksha with unboiled milk mixed with a pinch of sugar or honey whichever easily available and then clean it with water & keep chanting the mantra “Om Namaha Shivaye” till you finish pouring milk (keep half the quantity of milk for step 2) & water on it.

• Touch your Rudraksha seed (be it 1 mukhi or 21 mukhi) or the complete set of Rudraksha Mala/bracelet you have got made at bottm of Lord shiva’s picture or next to a Shivling.

After completion of the above described steps take the Rudrakshas in your hand, think of all might for giving you the opportunity to wear a Rudraksha, pray for your well being, wear your Rudraksha chanting “Om Hreem Namaha”, Om Namaha Shivaye” 9 or 108 times times.

Thereafter, the Rudrakshathus becomes divine, and creates a layer of divine shield around its future wearer and bestows love, harmony, balance of mind and wisdom.
Finally, which I think is the most important step to complete the process. Within 14 days of wearing the rudraksha seed or mala/bracelet donate food and/or clothes as per your wish to poor children or old people.

You will be surprised how good you feel and how magically your life will change for better.
May the Blessings of Shiva be with you.

God Bless you


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