Facts About Rudraksha - menjewell.com

Facts About Rudraksha

You must have heard about the Rudraksha. These are the brown coloured beads which Lord Shiva devotees usually wear in their arms or neck. The term Rudraksha is a combination of two words Rudra meaning Shiva and Aksha meaning eyes. The Rudraksha tree is believed to have originated from Lord Shiva's tears. Hence, it is called Rudraksha.
The Rudraksha tree is found abundantly in the Himalayan region. The tree requires low temperature and pollution-free environment to survive. Therefore, it is found only in the hilly regions of Nepal and Himachal Pradesh. The Rudraksha trees can survive as long as 100 years.
The Rudraksha tree is found abundantly in the Himalayan region. The tree requires low temperature and pollution-free environment to survive. Therefore, it is found only in the hilly regions of Nepal and Himachal Pradesh. The Rudraksha trees can survive as long as 100 years.

 Electrical Properties:

The ability to send out subtle electrical impulses & Inductive vibrations and act as a Dielectric as in a capacitor to store electrical energy.

Our Human body, The Central Nervous System, Autonomous, Sympathetic & Para sympathetic Nervous System and Various other Organ systems in to can be considered a complex Bio Electronic circuit.

Constant pumping of blood by the heart, blood circulation, the transmission of various impulses -Touch, Noise, Smell, Sight, Taste to the brain and the continuous movement of Neurons and Neurotransmitters in the brain and Nervous system generates electrical impulses. This is termed as Bioelectricity. This flow of Bioelectricity facilitates movement of information from the brain to various parts of the body and back. What we feel, think, hear, taste, see. Perceive all depends on the subtle flow of Bioelectric current. This flow of Bioelectric current is occurs due to the existence of potential differences or the different energy levels between different parts of the body.

As long as the flow of Bioelectricity is smooth the body functions normally and we have the feeling of being in control.

Rudraksha beads act as a Stabilizing Anchor. Rudraksha beads’ electrical property can be broadly categorized into
2. Capacitance or the Dielectric Properties
3. Inductance

Magnetic Properties

Rudraksha beads have Both Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic with the most important property of Dynamic Polarity We all are most probably aware of the beneficial healing properties of magnets. Magnetic Healing is becoming extremely popular off late and everyone who have been using magnets for healing have been getting the benefits and found overall betterment and rejuvenation. Rudraksha beads retain most of the properties of Magnets but it is unparallel in one aspect, that of the ability to change it’s polarity or the Property of Dynamic Polarity. The basic way of healing is based on the fact that the when the passage of arteries and veins which carry blood to and from Heart to all the parts of the body is blocked or reduced due to variety of reasons, various illnesses creep. Blood carries oxygen and energy to various parts of the body and cleanses it off waste materials. Any disruption of the smooth flow of Blood circulation is bound to cause illnesses.


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